In the modern-day world, technology has greatly transformed the online world. Businesses and organizations are continually competing for the best online presence, traffic, and sales. Creating a website that is outstanding in design, navigation, image quality, and excellent security features is every developer’s desire.
Laravel is the best PHP development framework that you can use to create your website for optimal results. This framework integrates agility in web development, simple coding, and high levels of flexibility. But why use Laravel and why Laravel is better than other web development frameworks?
1. Security
Security is an essential element of a database, and the PHP framework Laravel ensures it will be integrated into your design. Laravel’s framework and architecture ensure that the security of applications is taken into consideration. Passwords in Laravel are not saved as explicit texts which can be compromised.
Whenever a given user logs into the system, an automated token is generated to prevent unauthorized access to the site. The password is thereby encrypted using the Bcrypt hashing algorithm. Laravel also makes it difficult for injection attacks to occur on your database as it comes with its SQL statements already prepared. The various security features that you can find in Laravel include the following:
- Encryption
- Protection of routes
- Password reminders and reset
- User authentication
- Authentication for HTTP
- Storing passwords
- Logging in users manually
- Authentication drivers
2. MVC Architecture
The Model View Controller Support aids in the provision of clarity between the logic and the presentation of your site. MVC also aids in creating better documentation, providing several built-in functionalities, and boosting performance. This architecture offers an easy way of building applications for organizations and businesses.
The MVC support simplifies the codes that may be unstructured, especially when you are dealing with large projects. It gives you the advantage of organizing your work in separate files that are easy to retrieve in the logical directories. It also aids in the general outlook of the application mainly to the consumers hence allowing you to improve the final product for branding.
3. Object-Oriented Libraries and ORM
Laravel comes pre-installed with object-oriented libraries, which is one of its best features. These pre-installed libraries are not available in other frameworks that relate to PHP. The Authentication Library comes with features such as monitoring active users, password resetting, Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection, and encryption mechanisms.
The Object Relationship Mapping (ORM) found in Laravel is Eloquent, which helps you get data quicker. Since relationships are essential when interlinking objects, Eloquent facilitates their creation between the tables. In addition to this, it enables the user to access helper functions and create joins between the tables using related fields.
The advantage of using eloquent is that it eliminates compatibility issues among databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and SQLite. It also allows you to easily switch between one database and the next while offering numerous options for scalability by changing specific details regarding the configurations of Laravel.
4. Authorization and Access Control
Authorization and access control ensures that data in various databases is secure and that their integrity is protected. With Laravel, the implementation of access control and authorization is simplified with configured settings.
Laravel automatically creates components such as a login controller, a user model, views, and a register when you decide to set up authentication. Depending on your application and its logic, you can easily extend the components’ functionality.
The integration of social applications in the Laravel socialite package allows the authentication of users through sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. The ease and convenience of authorization and access control in Laravel is a notable feature.
5. Database Migration
Database migration defines moving your data from the database in which they are stored to a different one. The migration of the database may be occasioned by various reasons, including a change of database platform. Other development machines require database synchronization during migration.
Laravel offers an easy and efficient migration process, which allows for change incorporation into the new development machines. This feature is among the most prominent features in Laravel.
6. Task Management and Configuration
The management of tasks and configuration are both critical aspects of any web application. Laravel PHP web framework allows for easy setup and scheduling of tasks such as sending emails, clearing databases, and other tasks.
A corn entry is added to your server when using the command scheduler, and it repeatedly calls for the scheduler. This command scheduler allows for easy calculation of tasks that have been scheduled and executes each of them.
7. Automatic Package Discovery
The installation of packages is not always an easy task, mostly due to issues such as compatibility. The previous versions of Laravel could not easily allow the installation of packages. This limitation brought about the integration of the new automatic package discovery feature.
The new versions of Laravel from 5.5 allow for the automatic detection of packages that the users want to install. It eliminates the initial use of aliases when there is a need for a new installation.
8. Efficient Testing Features for Apps
The creation of useful applications is majorly due to proper testing techniques and methodologies that the developers use. PHPUnit out-of-the-box allows developers to write and conduct unit testing on the applications to ensure they are effective.
The application of automation testing allows you to solve errors on your application and all types of projects.
The automation testing process entails feasibility analysis for the test automation, selecting appropriate tools, evaluating suitable frameworks, building a proof of concept, and finally developing the test scripts and executing them. The tests conducted on the application allows for the detection of regression and their prevention. The tests include unit testing and command-line utility testing, among others.
9. Artisan Commands
The ability to automate tasks is one of the most beneficial features of PHP Laravel. Artisan, a command-line interface provided by Laravel, enables you to use task automation commands. It allows the developers to create their artisan commands, which may be task-specific or customized.
The flexibility offered by Artisan provides several commands that you can use for regular tasks. They cover tasks such as the creation of a database seeder, model creation, database migration, and the creation of a controller.
10. Blade Template Engine
Blade is a templating engine that is intuitive and allows you to work with HTML and PHP spaghetti. It comes pre-installed in the Laravel web framework and gives the users the ability to develop excellent layouts for their tasks quickly. It is lightweight hence does not have excessive platform requirements.
Blade aids in the handling of data by connecting the data model, source code processing, and output management depending on a given text file. This pre-installed templating engine allows for the display of data layout enhancements. The integration of the content seeding feature will enable you to create layouts that are amazing innovatively.
Finally, the Blade template engine offers the users a structure that enables them to create files with conditional statements integrated into them. The integration aspect is implemented in the blade to allow you to logically segment your templates into different sections then subsequently enable other files to inherit them.
src: 10 Reasons Why Laravel Is The Best PHP Framework
author: Saurabh Soni