
What is Instabug?

Instabug is a platform for Real-Time Contextual Insights that completely takes care of your bug reporting and user feedback process; to accelerate your workflow and allow you to release with confidence.

Improve Your App Quality

Instantly get notified whenever there’s a problem in your app through comprehensive bug and crash reports. Receive console logs, network logs, and visual repro steps to reproduce the problem; saving you time investigating, diagnosing, and resolving issues.

Debug and Fix Issues Faster

The most comprehensive bug reporting tool in the market for mobile development. Make it easier for your testers and users to submit bugs and get all the details you need to investigate, understand, and easily fix any issues and improve your app quality.

Monitor Release Stability

Save time and quickly figure out exactly why your mobile app is crashing with detailed reports built by developers for developers. Reply to affected users to ask for more information or update them about a fix. Stay on top of errors and strengthen the stability and performance of your app.

Monitor Release Stability

Save time and quickly figure out exactly why your mobile app is crashing with detailed reports built by developers for developers. Reply to affected users to ask for more information or update them about a fix. Stay on top of errors and strengthen the stability and performance of your app.

Directly Connect with Customers

Boost response rates with the Instabug SDK’s contextual user feedback experience. Receive actionable user feedback to make informed product decisions. Use the data you collect to test new hypotheses, iterate faster, enhance your users’ experience, and drive five-star reviews.

Drive Positive User Engagement

Reply back as needed to users who have experienced a bug or crash, sent feedback, or responded to a survey. Enhance your support experience by allowing your users to directly send you messages from your app. Use saved replies and auto-forward tickets to your other tools for easier management.

For Customer-Driven Development

Give your users a voice, understand their needs, and determine their most common pain points to help you build features that your users love. Your users can submit feature requests and vote on other submitted ideas right inside your app to help prioritize your Backlog.

