Website of osteopath Oleg Loskutov


Oleg Valentinovich is a famous osteopath, head of the Osteopoint Clinic. He does not limit his activities to administrative functions by heading the Osteopoint Clinic, and continues to assist people in solving various health problems.



Develop a landing page (single page website) of the “Easy Gait” campaign consisting of combining both an appointment with an osteopath and manufacturing of insoles. Oleg Valentinovich identifies the causes of illness and consolidates treatment with individual insoles made by a special technology.


Works performed

The website development, illustrations post-production, collaging. There is a form for making an appointment on the home page as well as a link to take a route from your current location to the Osteopoint Clinic.

Technology stack

Backend – ModX, frontend – HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Software stack

Figma, xnConvert, Sublime Text, Git, Git Kraken, Bitbucket, Jira, Confluence, Google Office
