Corporate website of the Ecostone trademark


The Ecostone company has a long-term experience of successful work. The company began its activity in Canada 13 years ago, and in 2010 opened a branch in our country.

The company is a manufacturer of the decorative artificial stone, various types of decorative facing bricks, thin wall tiles, and other decorative elements. Canadian harsh climate conditions for over 50 years validated an efficiency of the production technology.


We analyzed all similarly themed websites in Russian and most interesting English-language websites during the website development, and presented the findings to the customer in the form of a report.

Works performed

The website development, post-production of illustrations, primary search engine optimization, photo shoot of stone samples for the website.


Develop a user-friendly, fast, effective website based on the Ecostone product catalog.


The main task of the website is providing sales therefore the focus is on the product catalog. All the main sections of the catalog corresponding to the types of stone including the natural stone, tile, decorative stone, facing brick, and facade stone are displayed to a website visitor on the first page of the website. In addition, ready-made solutions for building decorations with stones with total cost budgets are offered.

All illustrations in the stone catalog are getting shown in connection with a unique article using which a website visitor can make an order by opening the dealers section. You just need to know the article of the selected stone for its unequivocal identification.

Special attention is paid to the company dealer network. All points of sale of the stone are displayed on an interactive map and a website visitor can select the nearest and immediately contact to it. For this work, we used the photo shoot of stone samples that we performed.


🚍 Project team: panner, designer, layout maker, programmer, content manager, tester.

Platform: ModX


Musical accompaniment

♬ Action Replay feat. Tomalyo by Katod, Tomalyo

♬ Fusion64 feat. Tomalyo by Katod, Tomalyo

♬ Wake Me Up feat. Tomalyo by Katod, Tomalyo

♬ 1530 feat. Tomalyo by Katod, Tomalyo

♬ End Of War feat. Tomalyo by Katod, Tomalyo

♬ Double-slit feat. Tomalyo by Katod, Tomalyo

♬ Artificial Intelligence feat. Tomalyo by Katod, Tomalyo

♬ Demoscene feat. Tomalyo by Katod, Tomalyo

♬ Time Machine feat. Tomalyo by Katod, Tomalyo

♬ 2117 by Katod

♬ Kosmonauta Z Ogonem by Katod

♬ Haunted by Katod

♬ Red Planet by Katod
