Creating Sortable Tables With React

Making your tables sortable in React might sound like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be too difficult. In this article, we’re going to implement all you need to sort out all of your table sorting needs.

Why is This Website Port Scanning me?

Recently, I was tipped off about certain sites performing localhost port scans against visitors, presumably as part of a user fingerprinting and tracking or bot detection.

Introducing Zeplin for Visual Studio Code

Over a million developers count on Zeplin to build products in a more connected and seamless way. Every day, as the Zeplin crew, we’re thinking up new ways to simplify your workflow even more.

An Ultimate Guide to DevOps

This article explains what the strategy DevOps is, how it works, and what difficulties it can fix in relation to IT business needs.

Improving Web Performance With Varnish

Web performance is cited by companies as one of the biggest challenges in delivering content. Varnish gives you the ability to combat this issue. Download this Refcard to get started with Varnish, learn how built-in VCL and caching rules boosts performance, and how to utilize the Varnish Configuration Language.