CSS loading spinners

A lot of the time loading animations are created with an image. This isn’t always the optimal way as an image can take a while to be downloaded especially over a slow network.

How CSS Variables Can Improve Efficiency and Consistency

Code repetition is one of the more frustrating aspects of CSS. Having to type out the same property values over and over throughout a stylesheet takes time. And when making changes down the road, it’s too easy to miss a value.

Creating a NodeJS Push Notification System with Service Workers

When I started Fjolt I was quickly faced with the conundrum of how to notify users when a new article is published. Most importantly, I wanted to do all of this without depending on a third party service. I thought this would be a great opportunity to use web notifications.

Best Work Operating Systems of 2021

We have rounded up some of the best Working operating systems in 2021 for you to plan, manage, and execute your project-related activities.

The Unexpected Power of Viewport Units in CSS

The days of fixed-width designs and needing to only test against a handful of viewport sizes are gone. We live in a fluid-width world with a myriad of device sizes and aspect ratios.

Your Doorbell Camera Spied on You. Now What?

The internet-connected doorbell gadget, which lets you watch live video of your front porch through a phone app or website, has gained a reputation as the webcam that spies on you and that has failed to protect your data. Yet people keep buying it in droves.